Who would the book appeal to?
This book would seem to apple to more of a teenage to Young adult age group because it relates so well to the ideas and persona of the modern teen and young adult. its got more of a older persons generational type of lingo and a sense of not being for younger children. i mean you really wouldn't want to let your little five year old son read that book or you read it to them letting them look at the pictures.
What about it is appealing?
The book in general is kind of appealing because it makes it so without even trying to, it can relate to the life of a teen. I'm not saying every teen really goes out and just is all like oh there is some drugs i want to fit in and smoke it or take it. but yea there are struggles and that does happen with some teens. but it also kind of shows the real importance of looking for peer pressure and understanding your self as well as understanding whats going on around you.
What obstacles should student readers of this book be ready for?
Some obstacles student readers should be ready to jump are, just like basic facts about the different government and what happens in other countries. like with all the executions and secret police and things its kind of new. Because here in the united states we don't have things like that, we have a jury system and everyone has a free choice were as in the middle east they have huge religion were you cant even leave your house without a veil. Another obstacle is probably just the basic fact of drug use in the book. its not unheard of teens using drugs but for those unprepared to read about this it may come as a shock
What would students need to know about in order to understand the book?
Students would probably need to know a few different names for drugs such as pot they call it cannabis in the book. Students may also want to learn about a bit of the background and religion of this region and of parts of Europe at this time so they get a better understanding of how the generation at the time as a whole was growing up and how they were being taught,.
What issues does the book deal with that students might be interested in discussing?
The drug use may be something students would want to discuss. Because its such a major part of the book because a lot of discussions that Marjane makes are with the help or because of drug use . Another topic that students might want to discuss is the fact of like being able to do what you want or wear what you want.
Here in America we can basically wear what ever we want no consequences were as in Iran you have to wear a veil if your a woman and a robe thing so that the men don't get excited by them. This is quite a big issue for Marjane as it is showed at one point in the book were she yells "then don't stare at my ass!!!" because the guardians had just told her to stop running because her behind makes movements.
Is there any “mature” content in the book? If so, what kind of content? How would you deal with such content in class?
yes i would say there is some mature content in this book. it talks and shows to an extant of acts of drug use, sex, and violence. in class if these acts were to happen i would probably turn around and go home and go back to sleep thinking either that i am messed up in the head or else every one has gone insane. But if we were reading this in class and came across i really dont think it would be to big of a deal because everyone should be old enough and mature enough to deal with this...
Analyzing Adaptations
10 years ago